The dirty Barry was up to his old tricks again, the child that he is. Teenage tantrums...
The lovely Debster (who by-the-way is to good for this dirty grimey bastard) revealed that tonight Barry Dirt came within a baw-hair of going home single.
You see Debs in a pretence hug of Barry had pickpocketed his tobacco, then (the professional that she is) passed it to a pal. Baz then through a teenage tantrum (what a dick!) and almost reduced his misguided burd to tears...
Though at least he realises that he is a dick... then apologised, and again we are seduced by the sweet talking charms of this disgrace of a human* being, until next time.
*still not confirmed.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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