Thursday, December 07, 2006

Barry the sex beast

Barry having lost his virginity to Deb's has become a sex beast. Now this isn't the first time Barry has accused of this having been interviewed in first year by the police for throwing on his trenchcoat and prowling the meadows under cover of darkness.
Having moved on from Deb's Barry now has a different burd in his bed every weekend and has found himself a tidy wee fuck buddy.

I suppose Barry's talent for spinning tangled webs of lies has finally paid off for the dirty beast.

Josh imprisoned

Poor Josh had to spend a month in jail because his lawyers are shite. The story is this, Josh contacted his lawyers 4 times after his last court appearance to get to grips with what was going on having changed address - this seems very responsible. However, on the forth time he was instructed by his lawyer not to call again and that THEY would contact him when there was something new...

Well months rolled by without word, Josh confident that his lawyers were on the ball assumed that he had dodged a bullet. Until the lad that rents out his family home contacted his brother claiming that a warrant had come through the door for the Joshmeister. On hearing this Josh did the responsible thing and handed himself in. When he didn't return home the next day Ally and myself assumed that court must have been really busy and he was being held for 2 nights. Remand wasn't even a consideration for us because Josh had done everything in his power to resolve this issue and surely his lawyer could convey this to the courts. It seemed WE had too much faith in the system.

Josh was remanded for a month because of his lawyers incompetance. Now surely Josh would bin his lawyer and get someone would rather than ignore their own mistakes expose where mix ups had been made. Naw! Josh's loyalty to his cock meant that he stuck by the sexy but inept cunt who caused him a month in Saughton.

It's not like he was doing anything anyway...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Frosties kid tops himself.

In June 2006 we began hearing about the fate of the adolescent boy who appeared in a 2006 UK Kellogg's Frosties advert singing "They're gonna taste great." The advert is noted for its ability to annoy.

According to rumor, the lad who sang the irritating refrain was beaten or stabbed by hooligans who took it upon themselves to deride him for his role, or was verbally picked on by bullies to the extent that he was moved to take his own life. In this, the most common form of the legend, the boy's annoying repetition of "It's gonna taste great" — and the equally monotonously-voiced rhyming phrases he delivers throughout the ad — cost him his life.

But the rumors also took a different form, one that did not have the boy's death occur as a consequence of the commercial (i.e., he was attacked by others or died by his own hand). In a secondary form of the legend, a grieving father who had lost his son to cancer succeeded, via the magic of technology, in having his deceased child inserted into the ad as a final tribute to the boy (possibly because it was the lad's dying wish). Here the youngster's flatness of tone was, by implication, explained by the rumor: the oddly-sung jingle was the result of its having been pieced together after the boy's death from recordings made of him during his brief lifetime.

Possibly the conclusion of the Frosties ad where the boy leaves Tony the Tiger and the trailing crowd behind as he rises up into the sky (where Tony reappears beside him to issue a final "They're gonna taste great!") worked to fuel all forms of the rumor, in that rising into the sky is a visual metaphor for going to Heaven.

Frosties have failed to prove that any of these rumours are false...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Bus trip with loser...

Josh accompanied me on a excursion on the 42 bus, I was returning home and he was visiting the docs.
On the bus Josh got over excited as one of the girls across from us hadn't been taught how to sit in a lady-like manner. It didn't seem to matter to him that the girl was only about 12 years old
What a dirty beast!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Posse

Kris or Rodders
I'm the tough guy in this crowd of losers known for my aggression, temper and complete lack of self control. What the fuck you saying ya prick?
Really i'm just the annoying one who believes in treating sensitive subjects with the sledgehammer rather than pussyfooting around them.
The only one of the crew that's proper. Has a job relevant to his degree and everything.
Flew the nest recently, the combination of Barry and Josh's stench may have been a factor.
Matt or Barry.
Although he does has a lot of names to vulgar to mention.
Spends most of his time corrupting a ministers daughter, playing champ or with himself. Not necessarily in that order though.
He is also the group thief, which in this group is saying something. Not a good thing though, imagine stealing from your friends. We still love his dirtiness for some reason.
Ally or Thomo
Hasn't let having a law degree get in the way of signing on.
A master pervert, constantly on the prowl for up-skirts and down-blouses. Obviously potential targets don't know which eye he can see out of.
Dave or Simps
Claims to be some kind of genesis, the reality is he's a Prozac generation loser.
With a big nose and Jewish ancestry
Josh or Loser
Have to be careful here slagging Josh, he might have an epi.
His talents are his stench, laziness, sleeping whole days away, his ability to communicate without actually speaking and of course prestidigitation.
Once we were in a pub and while a magician was performing card tricks, Josh made his silver card case disappear. This was after I said stealing from a close-up magician was impossible. What a Legend
Amy Bobbins or Aimpots
The other aggressive one, she really is known for
her temper and weedgie banter.
See you right!!!
Although really she's just a big feardy with anxiety issues. Has a paralysing fear of spiders and driving on the right side of the road.
nuff said mmmmmmmmmmmmpots

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Return of Myers and Becface

Becca send simps the pictures so I can write this post.
Events are hazey as it is.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Champ Manager bug returns with a vengeance.

Championship Manager has had a revamp and now goes by the name Football Manager, however it is still the same evil fucking devil game that it always was, more so even.

About four years ago, I went cold turkey after Barry broke my computer. Since then I have avoided the temptation of restarting a career in football.

It was of course the Dirty Grimy Beast himself who corrupted me by setting up a joint game where he is Valencia and I am Barca. It goes without saying that he has been whipped in every encounter between us.
Josh didn't heed Ally's warning and joined in the game as Sporting de Gijón.
Though because Barry has never been one for stamina and he is such a drama queen if you continue without him Josh and myself set up a game without the smelly cunt.

This time we choose some tougher teams I'm Hibs and Josh is Genoa though we did take over at Chelsea under the alias Barry Dirt then split their money, free transferred all their players and got them relegated, After being sacked, it was Raymond Dirt who took over in the first division to finish the job Barry started. In our third season now and Hibs and Genoa are doing well in their first seasons in the Champions League.

Although it took Ally a little bit longer he has now succumb to the power of Champ in a relegation dog fight at the helm of Motherwell in his own game.
I also have an intraweb game with Paul in Weedgieville which dominates my time between 8pm and 3am when I am in ma hoose. During the day I have my own game where I manage five teams. This is the reason for the lack of posts of late but I've taken a couple days off from the pressures of management to keep the fans up to date.

The Champ bug is obviously a direct result of Scotty leaving resulting in a void left by the loss of Fifa'05 which was a far less addictive and time consuming game.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nignog Barry.

As you may or may not be aware, Barry has made it to the World Cup with one his nationalities - Ivory Nignog.
So Barry got the shoe polish out and actually makes quite a good nigger.
(he's the one in the red checking out the bulges of his team-mates.)

Obviously shoe polish does not have the ability to lengthen Barry's tadger so as usual covered his manhood.

Scotty showed up to witness Barry's spirtual rebirth against Serbia and Montenegro where in the last minute he prayed instead of watching his teams penalty.

What a dirty grimmy bastard...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ranting at Rodders

On my own family blog The Martin Diaries I've been taking a bashing about my drinking habits and how it's had a negative impact on my life. In defending my actions and behaviour I have inadvertently opened a can of worms. What began as a bit of banter has resulted in the revelation that my family have no respect for me, apparently I lost that a long time ago. That they are ashamed of me, nothing I can ever do will excuse my behaviour. On top of that, they pity me...

Fucking Hell, it's awfully easy to offend people these days. You'd be forgiven for thinking that I was Barry. I feel the turning point from banter to abuse came after I accused my Big Bro of being a Daily Mail reader. Is this perhaps because it's true?

It's lucky for me that I'm an insensitive, arrogant prick or else these words may have hurt.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Barry bothered by Simp's sizeable sausage.

Dave has made Barry jealous with his large penis size,
And thinks that Debbie may be lured away by his big prize,
Vaginia's want dicks that big! Barry cries,
Especially since mine fails to satisfy,
So insecure Baz, guess that explains all the lies.

Bulging and often exposed making Baz go mad,
Indecent exposure, is a charge Simps has had,
Go for it Simps, Deb's wants your cock bad.

Don't let the fact you've never had your bad boy,
Inside a burd you haven't paid for, kill yer joy,
Crying Barry? all you really need is a good sex toy,
Kris can only apologize to Debbie if he's managed to annoy.

Simps recovers just in time for....

Dave made an unusual midweek trip to Edinburgh last night, he looked a picture of health as you can see though typically he claims he is still ill 'just a wee bit'

What a fucking loser....

Preemptive Excuses

Barry is suspected of stealing Josh's hash - again...

However, Barry has come up with an ingenious excuse -
'Knowing my record, it probably was me but I can't remember if I did, and don't know where it is.'

What a dirty sly grime ridden germ weasel...

The Deals...

Books, DVD's, CD's, Food and Bevy all extremly reasonable on the Deals.