Kris or Rodders
I'm the tough guy in this crowd of losers known for my aggression, temper and complete lack of self control. What the fuck you saying ya prick?
Really i'm just the annoying one who believes in treating sensitive subjects with the sledgehammer rather than pussyfooting around them.
The only one of the crew that's proper. Has a job relevant to his degree and everything.
Flew the nest recently, the combination of Barry and Josh's stench may have been a factor.
Matt or Barry.
Although he does has a lot of names to vulgar to mention.
Spends most of his time corrupting a ministers daughter, playing champ or with himself. Not necessarily in that order though.
He is also the group thief, which in this group is saying something. Not a good thing though, imagine stealing from your friends. We still love his dirtiness for some reason.
Ally or Thomo
Hasn't let having a law degree get in the way of signing on.
A master pervert, constantly on the prowl for up-skirts and down-blouses. Obviously potential targets don't know which eye he can see out of.
Dave or Simps
Claims to be some kind of genesis, the reality is he's a Prozac generation loser.
With a big nose and Jewish ancestry
Josh or Loser
Have to be careful here slagging Josh, he might have an epi.
His talents are his stench, laziness, sleeping whole days away, his ability to communicate without actually speaking and of course prestidigitation.
Once we were in a pub and while a magician was performing card tricks, Josh made his silver card case disappear. This was after I said stealing from a close-up magician was impossible. What a Legend
Amy Bobbins or Aimpots
The other aggressive one, she really is known for
her temper and weedgie banter.
See you right!!!
Although really she's just a big feardy with anxiety issues. Has a paralysing fear of spiders and driving on the right side of the road.
nuff said mmmmmmmmmmmmpots

Although he does has a lot of names to vulgar to mention.

Have to be careful here slagging Josh, he might have an epi.

her temper and weedgie banter.
See you right!!!

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