Alas Barry and his legendary odour have driven away Scotty, another beloved flatmate.
The list is quite substantial now eh Baz?
Went round to the flat just after Scott took flight and was astounded at the emptiness! All that is left is books, Cd's, DVDs and of course Barry's grimey odour - what a dirty bastard!
The other day Ally, Josh and myself threw caution to the wind and ventured inside Barry's hovel; the mission was to repair Baz's viral infected dirt machine that once could be described as a computer. We appear to have restored the system to a point before it got fucked up but it was still a bit menstrual. However, it was when we tried to clean the exterior of dirt machine that we realized that Barry's grime digs itself deeper when you try to clean it.
This may be the break through we have been looking for! Barry showers obsessivly but his grime is wash resistant - that's why he always stinks!!!

Remember Scott, Tuesdays or Fridays.
Save journey, Take care, Drive safe now, God speed...
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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