Championship Manager has had a revamp and now goes by the name Football Manager, however it is still the same evil fucking devil game that it always was, more so even.
About four years ago, I went cold turkey after Barry broke my computer. Since then I have avoided the temptation of restarting a career in football.
It was of course the Dirty Grimy Beast himself who corrupted me by setting up a joint game where he is Valencia and I am Barca. It goes without saying that he has been whipped in every encounter between us.
Josh didn't heed Ally's warning and joined in the game as Sporting de Gijón.
Though because Barry has never been one for stamina and he is such a drama queen if you continue without him Josh and myself set up a game without the smelly cunt.

This time we choose some tougher teams I'm Hibs and Josh is Genoa though we did take over at Chelsea under the alias Barry Dirt then split their money, free transferred all their players and got them relegated, After being sacked, it was Raymond Dirt who took over in the first division to finish the job Barry started. In our third season now and Hibs and Genoa are doing well in their first seasons in the Champions League.
Although it took Ally a little bit longer he has now succumb to the power of Champ in a relegation dog fight at the helm of Motherwell in his own game.
I also have an intraweb game with Paul in Weedgieville which dominates my time between 8pm and 3am when I am in ma hoose. During the day I have my own game where I manage five teams. This is the reason for the lack of posts of late but I've taken a couple days off from the pressures of management to keep the fans up to date.
The Champ bug is obviously a direct result of Scotty leaving resulting in a void left by the loss of Fifa'05 which was a far less addictive and time consuming game.