The last thing I remember was playing ChampManager then I woke up awkwardly on the hall floor outside the Barry Dirt's room with a sore neck, bruised temple and carpet burn on my forehead. Then after wandering into the toilet noticed that my eyebrows had been tampered with...a flood of memories came back.

Barry had fallen asleep at the computer and I thought it would be funny to shave his balding spot - It was...though by the time we got pictures he'd shaved his whole head and had a bit of explaining to do to poor Deb's.

Then I shaved Dave's eyebrows before getting out the shaving foam and covering Baz's arms, neck and face leaving hole's for his mouth and nostrils. Next I enquired about a condom, my intentions and target are unclear however when I ventured inside the Dirt Cave I never returned...

Instead the Dirtmiester woke up cleaned himself without uttering a word, came inside his lair where he picked my unconscious self out of hovel and dropped me on the floor. Josh and Ally were witness to all this and filled in the many blacks including the culprit who got my brows as I lay unconscious - It was Ally....

While Josh laughed the smug bastard.

.............What a pair of CUNTs!!!