Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ranting at Rodders

On my own family blog The Martin Diaries I've been taking a bashing about my drinking habits and how it's had a negative impact on my life. In defending my actions and behaviour I have inadvertently opened a can of worms. What began as a bit of banter has resulted in the revelation that my family have no respect for me, apparently I lost that a long time ago. That they are ashamed of me, nothing I can ever do will excuse my behaviour. On top of that, they pity me...

Fucking Hell, it's awfully easy to offend people these days. You'd be forgiven for thinking that I was Barry. I feel the turning point from banter to abuse came after I accused my Big Bro of being a Daily Mail reader. Is this perhaps because it's true?

It's lucky for me that I'm an insensitive, arrogant prick or else these words may have hurt.

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